BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Geo-Hydrogen-Hannover (Geo-H2)
Geosciences - Enabling Underground Hydrogen Storage

Beitrag zum Projekt:

International Workshop, November 23rd 2022 - Online

Geo-Hydrogen-Hannover (Geo-H2)Quelle: BGR


Introduction and Concluding Remarks, Geo-Hydrogen-Hannover (Geo-H2)

Welcome - Introduction
Kerstin Beckmann &
Philipp Weniger (BGR)

Paving the way for Underground Hydrogen Storage: International collaboration under the Hydrogen Technology Collaboration Programme

Paving the way for Underground Hydrogen Storage: International collaboration under the Hydrogen Technology Collaboration Programme
Serge van Gessel (TNO)

Underground hydrogen storage - future role and potential in Europe

Underground hydrogen storage - future role and potential in Europe Remco Groenenberg (TNO)

Energiepark  Bad Lauchstädt - Green Hydrogen for Central Germany

Energiepark Bad Lauchstädt - Green Hydrogen for Central GermanyUdo Lubenau (DBI-Group)

HyPSTER – the Hydrogen Pilot Storage in Etrez/France

HyPSTER – the Hydrogen Pilot Storage in Etrez/FranceMaurice Schlichtenmayer
(ESK GmbH)

The impact of subsurface hydrogen conversion on hydraulic rock properties: experiments and simulations on different scales

The impact of subsurface hydrogen conversion on hydraulic rock properties: experiments and simulations on different scalesHolger Ott
(Montanuniversität Leoben)

Experimental investigations into hydrogen flow through porous rocks

Experimental investigations into hydrogen flow through porous rocksAli Hassanpouryouzband
(University of Edinburgh)

Development and experimental calibration of a bio-reactive transport model for UHS

Development and experimental calibration of a bio-reactive transport model for UHSBirger Hagemann
(TU Clausthal)

Experimental investigation of microbial activity in water-saturated pores of sandstone reservoir analogues

Experimental investigation of microbial activity in water-saturated pores of sandstone reservoir analoguesGarri Gaus
(RWTH Aachen University)


Dr. Philipp Weniger
Tel.: +49-(0)511-643-2343

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