Technical Cooperation geothermal resources in Central America: Contribution of remote sensing unit
Report of the project:
- Central America - Identification of geothermal resources in Central America
- Zentralamerika - Identifikation von Geothermievorkommen in Zentralamerika
Sentinel-2 satellite image (band combination 4-3-2) of the volcano Cosigüina in the Golf de Fonseca at the western coast of Central America (contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2020)
Source: BGR
The regional project “TC in Central America“ includes cooperation with partners from Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Currently the cooperation is focusing on two study areas along the western coast of Central America, where Empresa Nacional de Energía Eléctrica (ENEE) is exploring an area in southern Honduras, east of the Golf de Fonseca, and Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) in northern Costa Rica.
Remote sensing methods are used to define zones of high geothermal potential where further geochemical and geophysical investigations can be carried out. Remote sensing studies include the analysis of free and open multispectral data (e.g. Landsat, Sentinel-2) in combination with digital elevation models (SRTM, ASTER).
95°C hot manifestations in southern Honduras (left) and a hot spring at the volcano Rincón de la Vieja in Costa Rica (right)
Source: BGR
One major component for the assessment of geothermal potential at a specific site is the structural geology, as faults significantly enhance the permeability of a system that is necessary for the circulation of hydrothermal fluids. Therefore, the above-mentioned remote sensing data is primarily used for structural analyses of the areas under investigation, giving information about hydrogeologic conditions and in turn zones of high permeability. In Honduras, these investigations lead to the definition of areas that are suitable for detailed analysis (find the report here).
Aside the use of satellite data, an airborne thermal survey using a drone will be performed to provide high-resolution maps of thermal anomalies, which are an indication for increased heat flow in the underground. These activities are carried out in collaboration with the partners. Additionally, workshops and trainings are part of the project to sustainably establish the use of remote sensing methods in the cooperating countries.