BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Figure 2: Example Merensky Reef: The Raman mapping (785nm Laser, 1200 grid, 1 sec, 50%, 1500 x 800 pixel, 50x objective) shows the assignment of the measured spectra to the identified mineral phases bronzite, Cr-diopside und Cr-actinolite as alteration phases

Raman mappingFigure 2: Example Merensky Reef: The Raman mapping (785nm Laser, 1200 grid, 1 sec, 50%, 1500 x 800 pixel, 50x objective) shows the assignment of the measured spectra to the identified mineral phases bronzite, Cr-diopside und Cr-actinolite as alteration phases Source: BGR

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