DRC Project Contacts
BGR - Office Kinshasa | BGR - Office Hannover | BGR - Office Lubumbashi |
App. 704 Future Tower 3642 Blvd du 30 Juin Kinshasa, Gombe DRC | Stilleweg 2 | Avenue Kasongo Nyembo 1995 Lubumbashi DRC |
Moritz Michel Moritz.Michel@bgr.de | Dr. Philip Schütte Phone +49(0)511 643 2546 philip.schuette@bgr.de | Sebastian Vetter Phone +243 85 842 3068 Sebastian.Vetter@bgr.de |
Partners & Links
Ministry of Mines (-Ministère des Mines, -MdM) and its subordinated mining agencies
- Division des Mines is the mining authority at provincial level. It is represented by its local offices: http://mines-rdc.cd/fr/
- CEEC (Centre d’Evaluation, d’Expertise et de Certification) registers values and taxes DRC production of diamonds and other high-values minerals, including gold, coltan, cassiterite and wolframite: http://www.ceec.cd/
- SAEMAPE (Service d’Assistance et d’Encadrement des Mines Artisanales et de Petit Echelle) is supposed to assist and support formalizing artisanal miners by providing information, resources, training and technical assistance: http://www.saesscam.cd/SAESSCAM/
- CAMI (Cadastre Minier) mining registry office. Supports mining investment in accordance with Article 12 of the Mining Code: http://www.flexicadastre.com/dotnetnukedrc/
- COCERTI (Commission de Certification) is a support organization of the Ministry of Mines in the certification of minerals in DRC
- CTCPM (Cellule Technique de Coordination et de Planification Minière) is the technical support to mining coordination and planning : http://www.ctcpm.cd/