BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Sub-EIS-Obs I - Studies and geoscientific observations beneath the Ekström Ice Shelf

Report of the project:

In January and February 2017, first geophysical measurements were conducted on the Ekström Ice Shelf. The aim was to get information on rock sequences and structures beneath ice shelf and youngest glacial sediments.

Working area Sub-EIS-ObsWorking area Sub-EIS-Obs Source: BGR

Five scientists from the Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), the “Bayrische Akademie der Wissenschaften” (BAdW) and BGR participated in this project. During this campaign, 11 reflection seismic profiles of about 300 km length were generated west of the AWI station “Neumayer III” using AWI’s vibroseismic array. Evaluation of these data yielded new information about the sedimentary and tectonic structures beneath the ice shelf. This knowledge was used for planning of the next campaign “Sub-EIS-Obs II” and to find appropriate locations for future shallow drillings.

Contact 1:

Dr. Andreas Läufer
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-3137
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-3664

Contact 2:

Dr. habil. Nikola Koglin
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2810
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-532810

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