BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Mongolia – Capacity Development of the Mineral Resources Sector in Mongolia II: Data management

Report of the project:

The project "Capacity Development of Mongolia's Mineral Resources Sector II" is being implemented within the framework of the German technical development program "Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in Mongolia". It supports the Mongolian Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority (MRPAM) in developing the human and institutional capacities for the establishment and management of a transparent and responsible mining sector. MRPAM's consulting services help to strengthen its competencies and to provide information and data in a needs-based manner.

An elementary work area is efficient and transparent data management. Two information systems in particular are being extensively expanded and improved.
(1) The eReporting system is used to facilitate the electronic transmission of mining reports to mining companies. This system must be improved in its handling and extended by various evaluation functions.
(2) The digital mining cadastre CMCS must be adapted to comply with legal regulations and upgraded to the current technical standard. In both systems extensive spatial data are processed.


Christoph Wosniok
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-3692

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