BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Namibia - Prospecting of groundwater in Northern Namibia (CEB) (Phase I)

Country / Region: Namibia / Africa
Focal point: Groundwater

Begin of project: September 13, 2006

End of project: April 30, 2010

Status of project: June 29, 2011

Settlements at Cuvelai Basin, Namibia.Settlements at Cuvelai Basin, Namibia. Source: BGR

The Cuvelai Basin is located in northern Namibia reaching into Angola. The densely populated region - half of the country’s population lives within the Cuvelai Basin – is one of the poorest areas in Namibia despite recent economic growth.

Currently a pipline system from the Kunene River/Calueque Dam (Angola) supplies most drinking water to the basin’s population. Remote villages depend on traditional water sources, which are often of poor quality. Surface water resources already exceed the growing water demand, while groundwater is found in a complex system of stratified aquifers containing fresh and/or saline water and are therefore not easy to tap.

The proposed project will initially focus on hydrogeolgical investigations of the Iishana Sub-Basin to assess quality, quantity and distribution of groundwater resources. This information will feed into developing a sustainable groundwater management strategy for the Cuvelei Basin.

The German contribution amounts to about 1,740,000 (funding by BMZ).

Technical Cooperation with Namibia

Project-No.: 2006.2073.2

Project-ID: 1021

Project contributions:


Ministry of Agriculture, Water & Forestry (MAWF) - Directorate Water Resource Management

Geological Survey of Namibia (GSN)


Antje Hagemann
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2338
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-3689

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