BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Laos - Safety & Environmental Protection in Mining - Support for Improvement of Mine Safety and Environmental Protection

Country / Region: Laos / Southeast Asia

Focal Point: Mining

Begin of project: November 1, 2020

End of project: October 31, 2024

Status of project: April 23, 2024

Mining in LaoMining in Lao Source: BGR

Mining and hydropower generation are the two most important industrial sectors in Laos. The mining sector makes an important contribution to the country's economic development and contributes significantly to the generation of government income. The potential of mineral raw materials is of great importance for the future development of Laos.

However, besides the significant development potential, there is the risk of significant environmental and social impacts caused by mining. The extraction of mineral raw materials is often not transparent, non-participatory and often with negative consequences for occupational safety and the environment.
In order to reduce these risks and to realize the economic and social development opportunities of the mining sector, an effective state mining inspection system for the sustainable management of the mining industry is of crucial importance.

Since 2011 BGR supports within the scope of TC projects the Ministry of Energy and Mines and the Department of Mine Management (DMM), which is responsible for mining supervision at national level, as well as the Provincial Departments of Energy and Mines (PDEM). In addition to professional training, many important instruments for the management of a sustainable mining sector in Laos were created (laws, regulations, inspection systems, database).

Since their implementation and application continues to be a challenge, especially at the provincial level, the ongoing BGR project will support the project partners in the effective implementation of the existing instruments, particularly at the provincial level. The BGR TC project “Safety & Environmental Protection in Mining” aims to improve the control of mining operations by the mining supervisory authorities.

The overall objective of the project is to improve the control and supervision of the mining sector by supporting state institutions and mining companies and thus the people employed in mining and the population affected by mining. In particular, the establishment of a effective Mine inspection system should contribute to sustainable mining in the long term (environmentally friendly, socially acceptable, economical and relevant to poverty). The program combines measures at the national level with the decentralized implementation in selected provinces.

Project contributions:


Factsheet: Support for the Improvement of Mine Safety and Environmental Protection at Mines (SEPM) in Laos


Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM)
Department of Mine Management (DMM)
Provincial Departments of Energy and Mines (PDEM)

Contact 1:

Wolfgang Schirrmacher
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2334

Contact 2:

Klaus Holzner

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